Banks, credit cards and PayPal, oh my!
In one of our biggest steps toward building a great product (and filling the void left by GoDaddy Bookkeeping,) we are pleased to announce that Seller Ledger now lets you link most banks, credit cards, and even PayPal.
How to link banks, credit cards and PayPal
From your Dashboard, below your current connected account(s), simply click the “Add Connected Account” button and you will see an updated screen with a new option:

Click the button on the right side of the screen and follow the steps. Choose from the top banks listed, or search by name (which you will want to do for PayPal.) Once linked, we will pull in 90 days worth of transaction history for each linked account.
On a related note, we have also added some new categorization features. You will initially see a lot of transactions marked as “uncategorized.” We now make it super simple to choose a category and apply it to every other transaction like it – both in the past and future.
More than 90 days of history
Based on a handful of banks so far, it appears that we will be able to import the full prior year’s data in many cases. Not only that, but our cracker-jack development team has figured out a way to do the same for eBay data. We now have the ability to go back and get your prior year’s sales and expense history from connected accounts.
Updated pricing and a way of saying “thanks”
For those who may have noticed on our home page, we have updated our pricing section to reflect a couple of changes:
First, we plan to offer annual billing plans where customers pay for 10 months and get 2 free (we like round numbers and offering incentives.)
Second, every free trial will start with 90 days of transaction history. To receive more than 90 days, we will ask customers to commit to an annual plan. The reasons are twofold: one, that much data does increase our costs materially, and two, we’re excited to be able to deliver the full 2022 tax year, but it wouldn’t be fair if we allowed customers to receive this while only paying for a single month.
For those of you who have been with us on this journey to date, we decided that one way to say “thanks” was by going ahead and importing all of your 2022 data for you. Feel free to log in and view your 2022 sales and expenses. Thanks again for your support and wonderful feedback.
Help other sellers with 2022 taxes
Having read multiple discussions online (e.g. the eBay and Etsy community boards, and even Reddit,) there appear to be a lot of sellers who were left in the lurch when GoDaddy Bookkeeping shut down in mid-2022. While we can’t make this offer indefinitely, we wanted to let folks know that we’ll keep the free 2022 data imports going through the end of this month, until March 31. If you know anyone or have seen any calls for help in different communities, feel free to send them our way before the end of the month, and we’ll get their data back to Jan 1, 2022. Please let them know that we’re still in Beta, and we continue to work on improvements, but hopefully, we can help some of them out.
Again, please keep the feedback coming. And stay tuned for the next update.