It’s Official: We’ve launched

Launch day! Seller Ledger has officially exited its “Beta” period and now offers automated bookkeeping software that’s specifically designed for online sellers.

Seller Ledger launches

First, a “thank you” to our Beta customers

There is no way we could have pulled this off without the help of more than 300 online sellers who took the time to bang on our software to find the bugs, the data discrepancies, and the things that just weren’t easy enough to use. Your commitment to helping, your patience with the flaws, and your continuous communication made this possible.

What does it mean to “launch?”

No, we’re not throwing some big event (though we can’t rule that out for future milestones:) Launching simply means we are at the point where we’re asking folks to pay to continue using Seller Ledger. It also means we’re committing to supporting the product going forward. We still have big plans for improving the product. In addition to adding new marketplaces like Etsy, Amazon and others, we will also continue to prioritize smaller improvements to make the product easier to use.

Do I have to pay now?

While we’d certainly appreciate it, we are giving all of our Beta customers the same 30-day trial period they would receive if they just signed up today. But they have the benefit of keeping all of the data already in their account (including transactions for the full 2022 year where available.)

Beta customers can see their paid plan options here:

What does this mean for brand new users?

If you’re new to Seller Ledger, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial, import up to 90 days worth of sales and expense history from eBay, PayPal, banks and credit cards, and see for yourself how well the product eases your bookkeeping burden. We don’t ask for a credit card or any form of payment up-front. At the end of your trial, decide for yourself whether we’re providing enough value to pay for continued use. If the answer is no, that’s ok. We’ll just do our best to earn your business in the future.

Thanks again to all of our Beta and future customers. Stay tuned for more improvements!

The Seller Ledger Team

Reader interactions

2 Replies to “It’s Official: We’ve launched”

  1. Signed up, logged in once, but now when I try to log in the login screen just stays there with nothing happening? Happens in chrome on windows PC and on my Android phone chrome?

    1. Hi Bill. I’m going to email your from our [email protected] account with a couple of questions/ideas.

      – Kevin

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